I look at these images and they calm me, and make me wish our house was this organized. Some nights I can't even sleep because I feel like the house is so cluttered. Cleaning makes me happy... freaky, I know.
Here are some images of functional and beautiful storage that inspire me.
A drawer turned cabinet. The colors are so happy and girly.

I really love the beautiful boxes on the basic white wire shelf. Takes simple and jazzes it up a bit. Very pretty.

So, it's just as I suspected. Everyone besides us has a TV in the bathroom! I just knew it!! Anyway, I think this skinny cabinet is pretty genius. Even though I dont have enough hair to require the products or appliances in here, but I think it's darned smart.
How stinkin cute is this little table turned file cart? MUST make this one! I wont tell you that all our paper that needs filing is laying piled up in a very pretty basket, just waiting to be filed. *hangs head in shame*
*sigh* This is just dreamy. Need to do this in the loft closet.
Ok, now if this isn't one of the smartest things ever, I don't know what is. Pure genius repurposing here. CD/DVD holder turned tupperware lid holders.
Lovely, organized pantry.
Another genius repurposing here.
I have this thing for mudrooms. All the coats and boots put neatly away. I love the cutey little puppy bed in the nook. The chalk & cork boards... love the whole thing.
Admit it. You also have the dreaded 'junk' drawer in your house. I will admit, we have 2 of them. Both in the largest drawers in the kitchen. But, give me a little credit... besides those 2 drawers the rest look like this. I do aspire to get the junk drawers de-crapified.
Open shelf storage... forces you to be tidy. I have a few open cupboards in my kitchen. Could I ever be organized enough to take all the doors down? I dunno, but I sure would like to!
Organization is bliss!!