Saturday, December 15, 2012

Snow day ~

It's a snow day here at NMP.
The finches are enjoying the seed, the babies are enjoying watching the finches and I'm enjoying that we don't have to leave the house.  Going to stay in, make Christmas presents and treats. 

Move furniture:



Max says "Heeeeeeeeey!!"

Snow days are tricky.  You'd think, with all the white going on outside, you'd be able to get some kick ass natural light in the house.


I can never seem to get the lighting thing right. 

I need to be schooled. 

Oh well.  Not going to worry about that today. 

There are worse things happening out there. 

I'm going to enjoy a day at home, with my Hubby, Sister and babies.  Make memories.  Tell them how much they are loved.  Count my blessings. 

Tell the people you love that you love them every chance you get.
You never know when it may be the last time. 

And know, that I love you all too. 



  1. December 15, 2012 9:22 AM

    Very pretty Meg.
    I do miss the snow. here in North Central Florida, well, snow is not a yearly thing. I only remember 2 freak snow days in the 26 years I have lived here.
    But I do luv the abundant sunshine. A fair trade off I think. :-)
    Enjoy your snow/family luv day!!!
    Cheers, Gee

  2. December 15, 2012 10:24 AM

    Extra long exposures on the camera would help (tripod not optional). Also, remember that for the ultra professional look, people use giant reflectors. And the mags put spotlights into the windows. It's not like the little people can do all those things so easily.

    Your photos look great--no need to fuss. You haven't succumbed to the white-wash-everything-so-you-can't-tell-what-color-anything-actually-is mode of photography, and that's nice.

  3. December 15, 2012 12:20 PM

    Lovely photos . We are getting rain soon , I want snow so I can take my winter wonderland photos ! I like how pretty the land is with snow ! Lovely home to . Have a good day !

  4. December 15, 2012 2:09 PM

    It's grey here, a couple of flakes this morning petered off to nothing. I'm done my decorating, sent off my last Christmas present and hung my shower curtain rod today(@#$%^&*()!!). and I just filled all the holes caused by my efforts at hanging the shower curtain rod, too. Sigh. More painting required. But I chose the PERFECT curtain!!! Woo hoo. Now I'm going to crash on the couch for the rest of the day.

    Go me! lol

    Love you sweetie!

  5. December 16, 2012 4:38 AM

    Nothing better than a snow day!!! Love the furntiture re-arrangement, especially the desk under the stairs. Hope you got lots done!

    Looks like we need to take the same photography course.

    And I love you too!


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