Tuesday, November 27, 2012

All Star Block Party #26 ~

Hey there!  Happy mid-week {if that's even possible}!

Hope your Thanksgiving was amazing and your Christmas is gearing up to be spectacular as well.

I'm actually more ahead of schedule this year than I've ever been.

Looking forward to stalking all of you to see what you're getting up to this season.

Shasta makes the cutest buttons!

Let's get onto the features:

Claire at The Rustic Pig shared this stunning Empire Dresser she madeover.  It doesn't get any more perfect than this in my book.

Amy's Cooking Adventures shared these adorable owl cookies.  So dang cute!

Kathy at Life on Lakeshore Drive shared this sweet candy cane wreath.  I love anything made with burlap, and this is so CUTE!!

If you were featured, grab a button!

I can't wait to see all the creative and inspirational things you've all been up to!

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Merry and Bright ~

Hellllllooooooo my friends!!

How was your Thanksgiving?!?! 

Ours was lovely.  A nice, quiet dinner with family and friends.  That's what Thanksgiving is all about.

Spent the rest of the weekend getting our Christmas on.

But, this is what we're doing the last day of our long weekend:

We're pooped and not looking forward to Monday. 


This year I've decided less is more on the Christmas decorating. 

I finally got a new tree.  First new tree in about 10 years.

And I did some crafting!  I have the blisters to prove it.  Why do I always end up with blistered fingers when I craft??  Oh yes, because it involves the glue gun.  I'm just not glue gun savvy.

I'm thinking this was worth the blisters:

Oh my.

I used the tute from MMS.  Hers is linen, mine is drop cloth. 

But, holy luscious loveliness.   Worth every blister.

The kids love it and are also getting into the spirit, leaving us presents already:

Aw, little sweeties.

Other little bits of Christmas around the house:

I love this little guy.  He opens up into a music box. 

This is the first year I've done stockings.  Even a faux fireplace needs stockings. 

This, is where the kids' stockings ended up:

How freakin' cute is that??

I cut an 8 x 30 piece of wood.  Sanded and white washed it.  Then I added some vinyl birds that I had leftover from another project... then hooks!  I love it so much, I think it's gonna stay up all the time.

One for each of our babies.  Just the right size for a treat & a toy.

Things look so different around here. 
One of these days I need to do some before/afters. 

Here's hoping you all have an amazing Christmas season!


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

All Star Block Party #25 ~

Well, hellooooooooo my friends!!

I don't know about you, but I'm really looking forward to the long holiday weekend.   We are headed to our good friends Glenn & Dawn's house for supper.  Nice that I don't have to cook the whole meal this year, but it will be weird not to have the leftovers.  But, the company makes up for that.

I reached a major milestone tonight.  Most of us hate this one. I'm almost 42 and I'm wearing bifocal contacts.  And I can see.  I'm too young for this, right?!?!  Agree with me ladies... please.  The point is, I can see at all distances.  So, I will break down when I go back for the follow up appt and purchase my first pair of no-line bifocal glasses.  *sigh*  They will be wicked cute, to make up for it!

Enough feeling sorry for myself... let's get onto this weeks party and features!

Our guest host this week is Maria from Agape Love Designs and Photography!

Thanks Maria!!

My super sweet friend Liz from Stamping the Shoreline shared these adorable paper stars.  I think they are just cute as can be.  And they look fairly easy to make!

One of the sweetest people in the blogosphere, Anne from DesignDreams by Anne shared this amazing greenhouse she made from old windows.  LOVE!

Trish & Bonnie from Uncommon Designs shared this adorable Thankful bucket garland.  SO stinkin cute!!  

Remember, when you link up your linked up to 5 blogs!!

Mine: Nutmeg Place
Shasta: In The Old Road
Heather: New House
Maria: Agape Love Designs & Photography {guest host}

If you were featured, grab a button:

All of here at Nutmeg Place wish you  a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Full of food, friends, family and memories you will cherish always. 

I'm thankful for every one of you!

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Get Your Chef On ~ Cranberry Orange Scones {with orange butter}

Hi you guys!!

Thanksgiving is just a few short days away.  I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!

Time to get in the kitchen and bake!  {my zen place}

Once again, I'm so excited to be participating in the Get Your Chef On Challenge!

I decided to share Cranberry Orange Scones, with orange glaze and orange butter.  

The cast of characters:

Not pictured:
  1. salt
  2. egg
  3. butter

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 7 teaspoons sugar
  • 1 tablespoon grated orange peel
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/3 cup cold butter
  • 1 cup dried cranberries
  • 1/4 cup orange juice
  • 1/4 cup half-and-half cream
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon milk
 In a large bowl, combine the flour, 7 teaspoons sugar, orange peel, baking powder, salt and baking soda. Cut in butter until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs; set aside. In a small bowl, combine the cranberries, orange juice, cream and egg. Add to flour mixture and stir until a soft dough forms. 

 On a floured surface, gently knead 6-8 times. Pat dough into an 8-in. circle. Cut into 8 wedges. Separate wedges and place on an parchment lined baking sheet. Brush with milk.

 Bake at 400° for 12-15 minutes or until lightly browned.

I added the optional glaze:

  • 1/2 cup confectioners' sugar
  • 1 tablespoon orange juice

Then, to make these even more decadent, I made the optional orange butter:

  • 1/2 cup butter, softened
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons orange marmalade

I adore scones.  They are delicious and so versatile.  You can really add any ingredients you like.
Cranberry Orange is probably my favorite though.  You just can't go wrong with this combination.

Look at this yummy goodness.  I love seeing the orange zest.  And the smell of your house when making these?!?!  Well, Scentsy will never be able to match it.

Then, this happens:

All of us at Nutmeg Place, wish you the best Thanksgiving.  Filled with family, friends and memories you will cherish always.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

No sew pillow covers ~

Hiya friends!

Having a busy weekend getting ready for Thanksgiving?!?

Only a couple days away, isn't that insane?!?!

It's been rainy and depressing here:

This afternoon, I went out in the rain to snag a present to the house:

I stopped into Target the other day, to get a couple last minute ingredients for the holiday dinner.  Like an idiot, I decided to browse through the Christmas items.  Will I ever learn?!?

I snagged way too much cute stuff.  WAY too much.

These adorable placemats caught my eye:

I had seen somewhere (I wish I could remember where!) last year how someone took these pretty things and turned them into pillows.  I had been browsing through the pillows and couldn't bring myself to pay $16.99 for them.  These, are $3.99!!

 My helper, who isn't really helping much.

Once I got home, I undid the stitching on one side only:

Now, I AM lazy and impatient, but I didn't want these to look silly.  So, I took one of my favorite things, Heat N Bond, and my iron and I secured these open edges:

Sorry for the horrible pics.  I do my crafting in the evening hours. 

Then, I cut 6 pieces of ribbon for each pillow, attached them also with Heat N Bond, to close up the open edge.  I LOVE how these turned out!

I already had the perfect sized pillows and just slid them in. 

Placed them on the new bench by the front door.

On the hunt for some baskets to slide underneath for storage.

I have a feeling this bench is going to be moving around the house quite a bit.
I fully intended on painting it, but once I put it in the space, I love the contrast of the wood.
So, for now, it's staying as-is.  I love it. 

Also popped one on one of the comfy chairs:

Very slowly over the next week, I will bring out more Christmas items.  I'm also in the market for a new Christmas tree.  I've got my eye on one that is a Black Friday deal.  

Pray for me. 

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