Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dealing with my OCD ~

So, I will admit it.  I'm a neat freak.  Some people call it OCD (although, CDO is the alphabetically correct order), but neat freak sounds nicer.  Less neurotic.  I'm sure it's not as bad as some folks OCD (I hope so anyway) but at times it's pretty frustrating.  Especially when you live with people who don't have the condition and would be happy living in a shipping crate, as long as it had a toilet, microwave and the internet. 

I look at these images and they calm me, and make me wish our house was this organized.  Some nights I can't even sleep because I feel like the house is so cluttered.  Cleaning makes me happy... freaky, I know. 

Here are some images of functional and beautiful storage that inspire me.

A drawer turned cabinet.  The colors are so happy and girly.

I really love the beautiful boxes on the basic white wire shelf.  Takes simple and jazzes it up a bit.  Very pretty.

So, it's just as I suspected.  Everyone besides us has a TV in the bathroom!  I just knew it!!  Anyway, I think this skinny cabinet is pretty genius.  Even though I dont have enough hair to require the products or appliances in here, but I think it's darned smart.

How stinkin cute is this little table turned file cart?  MUST make this one! I wont tell you that all our paper that needs filing is laying piled up in a very pretty basket, just waiting to be filed.  *hangs head in shame*

*sigh* This is just dreamy.  Need to do this in the loft closet.  

Ok, now if this isn't one of the smartest things ever, I don't know what is.  Pure genius repurposing here. CD/DVD holder turned tupperware lid holders.

Lovely, organized pantry.  

Another genius repurposing here.  

I have this thing for mudrooms.  All the coats and boots put neatly away.  I love the cutey little puppy bed in the nook.  The chalk & cork boards... love the whole thing. 

Admit it.  You also have the dreaded 'junk' drawer in your house.  I will admit, we have 2 of them.   Both in the largest drawers in the kitchen.  But, give me a little credit... besides those 2 drawers the rest look like this.  I do aspire to get the junk drawers de-crapified.  

Open shelf storage... forces you to be tidy.  I have a few open cupboards in my kitchen.  Could I ever be organized enough to take all the doors down?  I dunno, but I sure would like to! 

Organization is bliss!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cozy with a good book ~

At the top of our stairs, we have a pretty large loft area.  Someday I want to turn that area into a cozy reading area/library. 

Here is some inspiration: 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Welcome Fall! ~

Thank God, the weather this past week has been divine.  In the very low 80's... that's just about as perfect as it can get.

Fall is my favorite season.  The wonderful weather and beautiful colors.  Not to mention Halloween and Thanksgiving!  w00t!! 

I thought I would post some of the images and ideas that just thrill me to no end.  Welcome Fall!!

The sounds of crisp leaves crackling under your feet, the smell of warm fires with families making memories near them.  Hot apple cider and Trick or Treating.  Crisp nights and sweaters... I adore Fall.

I think this is a fabulous use of a pumpkin:

Isn't this front door so welcoming?  I love it. 

I hear that this blue glass is everywhere... but I can't find any.  Anyone know where I can get my hands on some?

Orange... such a happy color.  :-)

Can you imagine how YUMMY this smells?? Mmmmmmm....

I am so drawn to the color Green.  I always swore, that I would NEVER have Green in my house because my Mother's house was all Green.  And here it is... my current favorite color.  I get more compliments on my Green kitchen than anything. 

Here's hoping you have a beautiful Fall season full of warm memories!! 

Monday, September 5, 2011

How do I top this? ~~

Happy Labor Day everyone!!  We are enjoying some fine, cool weather in the Beehive State today!  It's lovely!  I'm SO ready for Fall!! And I'm very excited to reveal the HUGE project I've been working on the past couple weeks. I finally painted the kitchen cabinets!!!~

Honestly, I had to muster every bit of courage I had to do this.  I stood, with roller in hand, telling myself to 'just breathe' before the first strokes of primer went on.  IT. WAS. SCARY. for me.  Several times through this, I honestly thought I would vomit.  I was certain that I had ruined my kitchen.  A little dramatic, I know, but it's the honest truth. 

It took all the strength I had in me Saturday to get this finished.  I cranked my 80's hair band tunes and painted the day away.  Let's look at the before... shall we?? 

 Some of these before pics are pretty blurry, my apologies.  
This was a fairly difficult easy project, just very time consuming.  It took 1 coat of a good primer, (I used Zinsser) and 3 coats of good paint (I used Sherwin Williams).  I bought a gallon, and still have at least 2/3 of it left.  And now; for the pretty, pretty: 

The pics are big (may take time to load) and pretty and all the kudos go to my darling husband, Drew.  

I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love my kitchen.  After the hardwood floors, granite counters, and farm sink... it will be PERFECT!!  But, just looking at this makes me happy... and cooking in the space calms my restless soul. 

Did I mention all the nausea is SO worth it?!?!  I adore this space!! 
Please take notice in the below pic; Kita, sleeping in the bed behind the loveseat and that we keep Top Gear on the tele at all times.  :-)  <3 Top gear!  

Thanks so much for stopping by, and we hope you have a safe and wonderful Labor Day!  

Added: I've had so many fun comments about the paint color of the green wall.  It's Olympic: Guacamole  ~  Thanks for all the love!  <3

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