Monday, October 31, 2011

Fright Night ~

Happy Halloween from Nutmeg Place!!

Bring on the zombies!! 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sugar and Spice ~

How to easily fancy up canned biscuits:  

You will need: 

2 cans large buttermilk biscuits
1/4 stick of butter, melted
1/3 cup sugar
As much cinnamon as you like
Chopped walnuts (optional)

Preheat oven to 350.
Melt butter in microwave, pour into the bottom of bundt pan coating the pan with the butter.  
Spoon a layer of cinnamon sugar on the bottom of the bundt pan.
Arrange the biscuits in the pan, then cover with remaining cinnamon sugar.  Add a layer of nuts. 

Bake for 35-40 mins until cooked through.  Turn out onto serving plate and nosh!  :-) 

More fun if you have a helper - 

Have a super fun Halloween weekend!!  


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to surprise your sister ~

I have been planning a surprise.  I have been planning a surprise for my older sister, Merry for a few months now.  If you know me, you know how hard it is to keep surprises.  But, I was so good with this one, she had no idea it was coming. 

For months, my girlies (the most amazing group of ladies you could ever want to be blessed to have in your life) have been pen pals with my sister.  They have all gotten to know each other via email.  Well, every year, the last week of October we get together at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary and this year I took Merry along.  It was a surprise.  She didn't know where she was going or who was going to be there.  It. Was. Amazing.  

Early Sunday morning and we are on our way!  YIPEE!!  

The view at the last rest stop... we must rest. 

Still resting...

Where are we going Merry?

OMG YES!!!!  Heaven on Earth!!! 

Can we hang out and play with some kitties and chat with our girlies?  YES!!  :-) 

My idea of a good time.  Hanging out with my girles, sister and dozens of happy, well cared for cats. 

This is Moses: 

He flirted his heart out, and we took him for a walk.  Actually, he took us for a walk: 

Merry is the cat whisperer: 

I am stunned at how beautiful this guy is: 

Did I mention heaven on Earth?  Truly.  We are lucky to live in one of the most beautiful parts of the country. 

We had an amazing trip spending time with the most amazing women on Earth.  We saw old friends, and made new friends.  I surprised my sister, and seeing her so happy is priceless. 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Use what you have ~

Happy Saturday all!

Just a really quick project before heading out on a short vacation. 

I saw this idea while perusing one of my favorite blogs.  I forget which one.  My apologies.  I should be giving you your due credit. 

I purchased the tension rod for about $2.50 at Wally World, I had the 'Heat & Bond' in my closet for probably 4-5 years now, and I bought a whole bolt of muslin to cover chairs with and that never panned out.  So, today I quickly (probably took less than a half hour) threw this one together. 

Here is the spot before:

Please excuse my un-emptied garbage can!  See why I wanted to cover this spot up?

Here is what I used, since I don't have a sewing machine:

I measured, cut and ironed.  That about sums up my skills with fabric.  :-) 

Here is how it turned out: 

Easy peasy.  I love projects like this.  

I've decided I really need to work on my photo skills.  Well, I decided that awhile ago, but this post confirms I'm not the best photographer.  Dad would not be proud.  

Have a great weekend!  See you in a few days!!

Linking to: 

The Shabby Nest: Frugal Friday

Thursday, October 20, 2011

It all comes out in the wash ~

In our house I have a laundry 'closet'.  And it has to be said, it's not ideal.  It's certainly better than having no laundry facilities, but not dreamy.  In our next house (yes, I'm already dreaming about our next house) I will have an actual laundry room.

Here are some dreamy laundry rooms that I would be happy to do laundry in:

I would actually really love to stack our washer and dryer.  I wonder how hard that would be now.  Probably impossible.

And I will take a cute puppy that wants to sleep in my laundry room please.  One that doesn't chase cats.   :-)

I love everything about this light aqua laundry room.  Especially the built in storage below the washer and dryer.

Green.  :-)

I can't imagine needing more than one set, but hey... I'm sure some people do!

Now this, is something I could actually do in my current laundry 'closet'.  I think I will have to do this very soon!

Why yes, I DO get parched while doing mountains of laundry and need a cold, refreshing beverage.  *Sarchasm*

There are so many beautiful and creative laundry room images on the interwebs... what did we ever do without it??

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pinterest Inspired ~

Hello all!  

I have a new obsession.  Like most of you, I can kill waste spend tons of time looking at You can find the most amazing and creative ideas there. My next project was a complete rip off of this: 


They actually repurposed a dresser into this darling table.  Really smart.  I already had a similar table and a big wall needing some love. 

Here is what I came up with:

They have a gorgeous wooden architectural piece above the rod and wreath.  Me?  I have princess cat beds.  But, come on now... this is real life.  Right?!?  


I still havent even filled the frames yet.  I'm hoping that I will get some great pictures in Kanab this weekend with my new camera.  :-) This is a work in progress, and I will add things as I find them. 

I just used some regular $2 wall hooks I found at Lowes to hang the ribbon and frames from.  Drew is thinking the ribbon is a little too 'matchy-matchy'.  Any thoughts on that?

Linking to:

Stuff and Nonsense
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