Friday, March 30, 2012

Show Off Saturday #8 ~

Happy weekend babies!

I'm exhausted!  The day job has been beyond busy this week.  Hope your week has been good!

This weeks features are:

Carrie at Comfortably Carried Away made this darling Bee dresser.  You have to go and see the top!  I love it so much!

Look at this gorgeous buffet 'sprainted' by Suzan at Simply Vintageous painted with ASCP. I'm so jealous, it's just lovely.

mcvick at center of attention deficit disorder upcycled a hideous tray into this masterpiece, then, she gave to a friend as a pressie.  I want friends like her!  The more I get to know her, the more I'me sure we are sisters from another mother.

So, you know the rules, right?

  • Not necessary to follow Nutmeg Place, but I will only feature those who do. 
  • Please visit the other blogs and leave them nice words. 
  • Have fun!! 
And just for giggles:

XOXO  Love ya's!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tanna's Potato Salad ~

Heya everybody!!

Look what I got!  Tanna's potato salad recipe.

I love her potato salad.  Just the right amount of tang, just the right amount of crunch... just the right amount of everything.

This is perfect for those who don't like vinegar.  I know you're out there!  But, the Miracle Whip gives it a nice bit of tang.  I can't wait to make some more, because we ate it all.  *slurp*

Tanna's potato salad:

5lbs boiled red potatoes, cubed
8 hard boiled eggs, quartered and sliced
6 stalks celery, sliced
1/2 med/large onion, minced
6 sweet pickles, chopped
1/2-1 cup mayo
1/2-1 cup Miracle Whip
Garlic Powder

Just like my broccoli salad, these measurements are completely adjustable to your taste.

And thank you, to my photo bombing hubby, Drew:

Dork.  Just a hot dog people... just a hot dog. 


Monday, March 26, 2012

Opinions requested!! ~

Happy Monday everyone!

I spent a bit of time perusing The Lettered Cottage blog this weekend.  Holy crap, what a lovely blog Layla & Kev have there.

As I was looking through the posts about all the kitchen remodeling they have done, I spied the corbels she added underneath their builders grade cabinets.  I love them.  I was thinking of doing this in our kitchen.  My question is: Would it look as awesome as theirs or too busy?

Here is Layla & Kev's kitchen:

And my kitchen:

Would it just be too much going on?  I love how it makes them look more custom. 

I'm also thinking of painting over the green wall {don't get mad, so many of you love that green wall}.  
Thoughts on that??

Thanks!  Looking forward to hearing your opinions! 


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Fresh Broccoli Salad and a coffee tasting! ~

Happy Sunday everyone!

We are having a great weekend here.  I hope you are also!

Yesterday, Drew and I went downtown.  We had a last minute invite to a coffee tasting!  We had a blast!  We met some really great people and learned a lot about coffee.  Really... did you know that the lighter the coffee, the more caffeine it has?  So, if you reach for your dark roast as a morning pick me up, you're not getting as much 'up' as a light roast.  Hm.  Who knew??  Well, now ya do!

We met Becky Rosenthal.  She puts together these SLC Mixers and also hosts her own food blog called The Vintage Mixer.  It's a very lovely blog all about food.  I will be visiting often and I hope you check it out! 

On the subject of food, we are excited.  Caeleigh and her Mom & Dad are coming over for a BBQ later this afternoon!  YAY!!  We are grilling some blue bacon burgers and along with that we are having homemade broccoli salad.  Tanna is also bringing her homemade potato salad.  I'm going to do my best to get the recipe out of her.  If I can, I will share it with you all.

Broccoli salad is so easy, and so scrumptious.

The recipe:

4 heads of broccoli {cut the florets into bite sized pieces} 
1/2 small red onion chopped
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
1/3 cup dried cranberries
6 pieces cooked bacon, crumbled


3/4 cup mayonnaise
1/8 cup cider vinegar
1/4 cup granulated sugar

I mix the dressing in the bowl first.  I actually eyeball everything and obviously you can adjust this recipe to your tastes.  I like more vinegar and less onion.

Chop the broccoli and onion, throw everything in the bowl with the already mixed dressing and toss.

It seriously couldn't be easier.

I've made this substituting the cranberries with raisins and I've switched the sunflower seeds for sliced almonds.  Either way, it's delicious.

Drew wont touch this salad, it has green things in it and he will gag.  Literally.  

I hope you try it and enjoy! 


Added:  Drew took this picture of Caeleigh this afternoon.  This kid sleighs me, she is so smart, independent, funny and full of energy.  I. Die.

Yes, her hair is dyed red... her favorite color.  I love that her parents aren't afraid to let her be who she wants to be.  She is a September baby (9-11 even) so she missed the last school year.  She starts this year and is already so far ahead... we are afraid she is going to get bored.  I'm amazed by her intelligence and I just love her to bits.  XOXOX  Aunt Meg loves you cutie patootie!! 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Are you a 'no reply' blogger?? ~

A couple months ago when Linky Followers came out, and we were all blog hopping, making new friends, I got an email reply to one of my comments.  It said "Did you know you are a 'no reply' blogger?".
I looked at Drew and said "I'm a WHAT?!? RUDE!!"
I had no idea what she was talking about, but it didn't sound good!

Basically, it means that when you leave a comment on my blog, you have a setting that I can't reply to you.

I looked high and low in my settings to find out how to change this.  No dice.  

See my sad face??

Then, a couple weeks later {while I was perusing all your fine blogs} I saw a post from Shari @ Turnstyle Vogue Design & Styling about just this very thing.  It was just what I had been looking for!  And within a matter of a couple minutes... I was no longer a no reply blogger.

I love meeting you all and chatting with you.  If you are a no reply blogger and leave me a comment, I can't thank you for being so awesome as to leave me a comment.  *sigh* Sad, sad stuff.

Seriously, I love you guys and I want to stay in touch.  Don't want anyone thinking I'm a snob or don't care.

Would ya just go over, read her quick tute and change the no reply setting?? Please??!? 

Replying to comments

Thanks Shari for letting me share your great tute with my readers!

Love ya's and I hope to chat soon!


Show Off Saturday #7 ~

Hey, hey, hi, hi! How are ya?? 

Happy it's the weekend??  I sure am!! 

You guys make it hard to pick favorites because you are all amazing! 

Here are the eye catchers:

Angie at Beneath The Magnolias shared her breakfast room redo.  So pretty, people.  So very pretty.

Deanna at It's Just Me turned a vintage chicken feeder into a sweet lamp!  I LOVE this!!

Melysa at Moments with the Montanos shared these so tasty looking Chocolate drizzled Heath Bar Cookies.  Oh. My. 

I'm changing the rules.  The rules are as follows:

  • You DO NOT need to be a follower of Nutmeg Place to link up.  But, I will feature those who are. 
  • PLEASE stop by and visit eachother!  That's the point of the party!  Making new friends! 
  • And have fun.  This one is the most important of all. 
If you would be so kind, and take a moment to 'like' Nutmeg Place on Facebook, that would really be sweet.  I hate feeling like I'm talking to myself all the time over there.  :-)  Spread the love! 

I can't wait to see what you guys have been working on this week! 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Happiness List #14 ~

Howdy friends!  Long time, no see!  :-)

I'm back for my weekly happiness list. 

I have lots to be happy about.  But, here are just a few highlights:

Pioneer Woman's new cookbook came out on the 13th.  Have you seen it?  It's just beautiful!  I have a girl crush on her. 

Our 2 ferals {Brandy & Nala} went in for checkups.  Ever tried taking a feral cat to the vet?  Gah.  Plus, when I do, I usually take both of them at the same time to get it over with in one trip.  Besides needing to lose a little weight {who doesn't??}, they passed with flying colors.  Thank God.  We have quite enough sick kitties in our house, thank you very much!!  I think Brandy {pictured} has forgiven us.

My new Nutmeg Place sign.  I love it.  And working with one of my favorite bloggers on this project was awesome.  Let's do this again Anne!  I {heart} you big time!

Growing some Easter grass in some cute chalkboard painted pots for the kids.  I'm going to write thier names on them.  How spoiled are they?? Pretty spoiled to be sure.

My {little} Spring mantle.  I don't usually decorate the mantle other than for Christmas.  But, this year I was inspired to decorate it for Spring/Easter.  I'm so glad I did.  It's so cheerful and happy.

My new pink laptop came today.  {Squee!!}  I'm blogging this post on it.  Does my blog look prettier now??  haha.  It came with Photoshop, so hopefully I can learn how to use that before Picnik is all gone in a few weeks. 

But most of all, you make me happy!!  I was very touched to see so many sweet comments regarding my rant yesterday.  I'm glad to know I'm not the only one feeling the pressure to constantly have clever, witty, pretty posts.  I love you all.  You are my soul sisters.  You make me smile and laugh.  You inspire me to be creative.  You rock... hard. 

I hope you are enjoying the gorgeous weather most of the country is having.  We had snow yesterday, but I hear by the weekend we should be wearing shorts and bbq'ing!!  Have a GREAT rest of your week.  See ya in a couple days for Show Off Saturday!!


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What I've learned from blogging ~

Hey and howdy there nutty people!

This post won't have any big project reveals or tasty recipes.  Won't even have any easy crafts.  Actually, nothing creative at all in this post.

I guess this is my first 'rant' of sorts. 

If you follow me on Facebook, you saw an update this morning about having to 'unlike' my very first Facebook page.  It belongs to someone who is a pretty popular blogger.  But, it seems like all I ever see from this person is awful, negative posts about blogging and bloggers and how annoying everything {and everyone} is all the time.  I just couldn't take it anymore.

Then, I was having a quick email chat with my childhood friend April {April James Interiors/Read Between Designs} and we were talking about how overwhelming and stressful we can make blogging.  I started thinking... and asking myself why I blog.  Why am I stressing myself out so much over this little blog??

I will be the first to admit.  I have blog envy.  There, I said it.  Let's just get it out in the open, shall we?

I don't have a patient bone in my body.  I see these beautiful blogs that the blogger has been working on for years and years, they have tens of thousands of readers, can actually make a decent living from blogging {my husband and I both work full-time jobs}, they have sponsors that actually pay them to do a project and use their products... I know you are with me.  It seems that is the goal in blogland.  But, is that  my goal for this little blog?

I still remember finding my very first DIY blog.  I won't post any names, but I was smitten instantly.  She has eleventy zillion readers/followers.  She's kinda funny, her family is cute... but the more I read her blog I just can't for the life of me figure out why. I see far more creative and funnier people out there.  The more I see of her recent posts I wonder what is going on.  The whole idea of most of our blogs {since we aren't rich} is to make our homes comfortable and pretty on small budgets. Part of her blog name implies that she is thrifty.  Lately, her posts have been about pretty big ticket projects that {most} of us only dream of being able to afford.  If it were me, I'd be excited too... and blog all over blogland about how dreamy it is to do such drastic things. I can't relate to her anymore.  Honestly, it gets me down and I don't want to read her anymore.   

It brings me back to the real question... why did I start blogging in the first place??

For fun.  Straight up.  Because I enjoy it. 

Somewhere along the line {for some of us, others can keep perspective on things} it gets out of control.

I'm trying to refocus.

Do I ever think my blog will have eleventy zillion readers?  No.  And on that subject... what in the heck does it matter how many followers a blog has anyway??  It seems to be a status to some bloggers.  Seriously?!?   I use it to follow my favorite blogs.  If I follow you, I read your blog.  I may not always comment, but I do try.  If you follow my blog... I certainly hope you didn't do it to get me as a number for your blog.  I hope you actually come and read {and hopefully enjoy} my blog.

Do I ever think I will make money off my blog?  {can you hear me laughing} Hell no.

We do linky parties and stalk other linky parties in attempts to get readers.  I'm guilty of it.  I didn't know until recently that is considered rude behavior.  Really?  Wow.  I'm quite honored when someone asks me to join their party... but I guess I get it now.  Numbers.

So... what it comes down to is: I will blog because it makes me happy... not for the numbers or the pats on the back.

If you are here... I love you.  You kick ass.  You rock my world.  Truly.  Every comment makes my heart leap.  I want you to know that.

My blog posts may not be as many.  I'm not going to stress myself out over this.  It's supposed to be fun.   I will still have my linky party but I'm not going to stalk anyone.  If you link up... you rock my world. 

I consider you my friends... and I hope we are still friends.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Our {little} Spring mantle ~

Hey, hey!!  Happy Monday babies!

My younger sister, Marty, who is going to nursing school in Ohio said it was 70+ degrees there today.  We had snow.  Yep, I'm trying like the dickens to Springify {is that a real word?} our little place... and it snows.  *sigh*

There aught to be a law...

I only have 2 faux fireplaces in the house.  They aren't huge, I try not to  focus too much on them.  I usually only decorate it for Christmas.  But, I've been quite inspired by all the pretty Spring mantle's I'm seeing.  It's quite cheerful, I'm all about cheerful! 

Last week, I made this darling bunting out of scrapbook paper, chalk board paint and twine. 

I found a really darling printable online, put it into a cheapie $4 frame I had sprayed white.  The paint bubbled, so I made it look like distressing.  I just go with it people...

The candle sticks are always on the mantle.  I added one of my favorite Ikea fakie plants, a cloche with a few painted Easter eggs, a creamy yellow pitcher with Spring blooms and a cutie little bird.  You know what they say... Put a bird on it... so I did.

My favorite helper, Maxwell:

I'm so glad you all inspired me to update our little mantle.  It's so bright and cheery now.  I don't mind putting some focus on it now.

Here is a peek at a little tablescape I'm working on:

I'm struggling with this.  I'm not at all good at accessorizing.  Some people just have a knack for knick knacks... I do not.  I know what I like, but not how to put it together.

I like Queen.  And Earth, Wind & Fire... but that has nothing to do with my tablescape.  Just thought I'd let ya know.

Hope you have a great week.  It's going to be busy here.  Lot's of fun {and not so fun} things happening.  I'm feeling very blessed... maybe even a bit royal.  I'm going to listen to Queen and watch some Downton Abbey.


I'm ok...


Linking to:

No Minimalist Here
House Of Hepworths
Debbie Does Creations
Inspired by Felicity

Saturday, March 17, 2012

It's a challenge! ~

WARNING: Picture heavy post ahead.  

Hey there and happy Sunday my lovelies!

I have to say, this project {challenge} was SO much fun!!

I was browsing through Pinterest and saw this gorgeous sign that one of my favorite bloggers {Anne from Dream Designs by Anne} had pinned:


I commented on her pin about how much I loved this sign.  She responded that she did as well.  I said "Girl, let's make one!", she accepted the challenge!  

We had both just finished our first project with homemade chalk paint with very similar results.  She suggested we try using the white glue trick to see if we could achieve the crackle effect.  Ok, it's ON!!  So, as this as our inspiration we both set to work on our respective chippy signs. 

I was so excited.  I borrowed a jig saw from a coworker {I had never used one before} and got started.  Here are the supplies I used: 

I really have no idea what kind of wood this is.  All I know is it was already cut in the size I thought would work for me.  I took all the necessary safety precautions: 

Apparently all safe people are supposed to have 20/20 vision.  Whatevs. 

I freehanded the curve I wanted the top to have onto a piece of cardboard to use as a template. 

I traced it and cut it out with the jig saw.  Sorry, no pictures of that because that would be unsafe.  :-) 

I used my little electric sander to soften the edges and round the corners off slightly. 

Next step: glue.  You paint on a layer of white glue, let it dry to just tacky {5 mins or so} then you paint on the top layer of paint. 


See any cracks??  Look really hard... no cracks.  Awesomesauce. 

Ok, so I felt like a Mythbuster.  The myth was busted!  But, I really wanted that crackled finish on my sign. So... I went out and bought some crackle medium.  Yeah, I'm a party pooper.  It was a long week and I didn't want to mess around with the glue anymore.  

So, then I looked at our inspiration picture again and realized I hadn't laid a base color.  DOH!!  I started over by painting the darker base coat: 

Once that dried I painted on a layer of the crackle medium.  Then, once THAT dried, I painted my top coat of paint... and held my breath. 


I let this all dry overnight.  The next day, I used a projector to add the logo.  I traced it with a sharpie, then painted it in with black chalkboard paint.  I like how nicely the chalkboard paint looks and distresses.  After that had dried {chalkboard paint dries pretty dang fast} I took my sander to the logo and distressed the whole sign. 

I added 2 eye hooks and hung it up in my kitchen arch with some sisal twine.  That stuff is dang strong, and I glued the knots so they wont come undone.

And here is my masterpiece: 

I did both sides.  :-) 

I was hoping for better picture taking weather.  It was cloudy and extremely windy today.  So, the pics didn't turn out as nice as I had hoped. 


Let's see if Anne had better luck with the glue challenge: 

I love signs but I'm not very good at making my own!   When Meg from Nutmeg Place and I both liked the same sign on Pinterest, we decided to do a shared blog post on creating our own crackled paint signs.

I googled more home made stuff and found out that you can use Elmer's white glue as a crackle medium.  Well, I have Elmer's glue on hand and I'm always up for trying home made stuff so I glopped it onto a board I had handy and used a foam brush to swirl it around.  I waited 5 hours and painted over the top, careful to follow the instruction of using one thick coat and not brushing the paint more than once or twice.  Apparently the more you brush, the less the glue will crackle the finish.  That part went really well and I got a crackled look.  Then I completely screwed up my words on the sign and had to start over, duly forgetting the part about not overbrushing.  It didn't crackle... I sanded off the top coat of paint and tried re-lettering but things were going from bad to worse.  My sign looked old all right, in fact it looked ancient!  but NOT ATTRACTIVE.

Back to the drawing board.  By now I had found a really cool font that I wanted to use, so I went in a completely different direction using the flip side of my board.  I painted the board yellow first and 5 hours later slopped on more glue with a paper towel.  I only gave the glue an hour to set up before painting another deeper shade of yellow on top.  This time I paid attention to the "don't over stroke" rule.  It crackled perfectly!!

I traced my words onto the sign using newsprint as a carbon paper.  That worked really well and then I over traced the words with a sharpie and coloured them in.  When I was done, I painted a couple of bouquets of flowers and a sun over the center point of the board.  I LOVE IT!!!

Here are the two versions of my signs:

The first is my favourite and I can't wait to hang it on my new studio.  The flip side is the Farmer's Market sign that I killed with paint and overembellishments... There's that OCD thing again!!!

Have a happy & creative week!


So, apparently it's just me!  Do you just LOVE Anne's sign??

We had such a blast doing this project/challenge.  We are planning on more in the future!


Linking to:

Funky Junk
Inspired by Felicity 
Thrifty Decor Chic
Debbie Does Creations
House Of Hepworths
No Minimalist Here
Newer Posts Older Posts Home