Thursday, December 29, 2011

You say it's your birthday ~

Hey, hey my nutty people! 

How was your Christmas?!?!  I hope it was amazing!

December is a crazy month around here.  We have all the hoopla of Christmas, Drew's birthday is ON Christmas day (yes, you read that right.), Merry's birthday 4 days later and a Nephew with a birthday on New Year's Eve.  WHEW!!  

So, that means that today is Merry's big day.  Even though she was spoiled on Christmas, I wanted to do something special for her.  Nothing too big, but something.  I've been thinking about making the following project for some time.  And today was the time.  

It was easy, and really inexpensive. I made her a cute little monogrammed tote to carry her books to and from church!  

I picked all the needed items up at Wally-world: 

This 3-pack of canvas bags was only $5.97!!   HELLO?!?  

This pack of 3 iron on transfers was also $5.97!!  CRAZY! Like an idiot I messed up a whole 3 pack and had to go back for another.  I just printed out a cutie little picture and added her initials.  Easy Peasy. 

I did the ironing on the kitchen island.  Put the iron on the 'cotton' setting, place a cotton towel on the counter, place the bag on the towel and iron out any wrinkles, peel back the backing of the iron on, place it where you like on the bag, place another cotton towel over the bag and iron on and press until all edges and corners are adhered to the bag. 

Yes, I DO own an iron.  I've had this $10 jobie for 12 years now.  Obviously I don't iron very much.  :-)

And... wala!!  A darling personalized gift!!

I'm going to make one for myself and Caeleigh monster for when she sleeps over.  I love these.  I hope Merry loves it too!!  

Happy Birthday Merry!! 

She loved her new tote!



Linking to: 

The Shabby Nest

Monday, December 26, 2011

Happiness list #3 ~

Heya my nutty friends!  

I hope you all had as wonderful a Christmas as we did this year! It's been a great and exhausting week.  Here is a recap: 

Finally meeting Candi.  A Facebook friend for a couple years now.  Turns out we are kindred spirits. 

The Christmas gift from my Sister-in-law, Michelle.  One of my goals for the new year is to learn to do woodworking.  How awesome and thoughtful is this?!?1

My sweet boys.  Drew & Max.  

Ginger & Fred.  I so love them.  My sister, Marty, got me "Follow the Fleet" for Christmas.  The best. 

The reaction on Merry's face when we told her she was very loved.  Priceless. 

The reaction on Drew's face when he opened the camera he's been drooling over for months.  Absolutely. The. Best.  

Looking forward to getting the holiday decor put away and things back to normal around the house.  Also looking forward to the New Year and all the plans I have in my mind. 

We hope your holiday was as magical and filled with love as ours was. 

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas ~

Merry Christmas from us all at Nutmeg Place! 


Thursday, December 22, 2011

New Year Inspirations ~

Well HELLO all my nutty friends!

Christmas is literally upon us.  I hope yours is amazing!  I've been doing lots of thinking about what I want to accomplish next year for Nutmeg Place.  I'm going to try and focus on the upstairs rooms.  Isn't it always true that the master bedroom is the last room to get decorated?  Well, in our case it's very true.  No longer.  Next year I will be focusing on the master, guest bedrooms, the laundry room and loft.  I have LOTS of fun and exciting ideas! 

I'm going to start with the master bedroom.  Our master bedroom is... well... HUGE!  So, I'm lucky that we have many options in what I can do in there.  One thing, Mirasole, our former backyardigan lives in that room. 

So, it has to be cat interesting/friendly.  Mira has asthma and IBD... so she can puke at any moment.  And, she does it wherever she happens to be at the moment.  Sometimes, that's IN our bed.  Not pleasant!  So, as much as I would love piles and piles of soft white bed linens, I have to be careful (for obvious reasons).  

We currently have this bed frame in black:

We also have the matching side table in white: 

I really like the style, it goes with my love of anything cottagey.  I don't think that's a real word, but I don't care.  But, the side table doesn't have as much storage as I would like.  I would like a couple mismatched low dressers as side tables.  I also have space for a cutey little desk for my blogging station: 

Something like this.  

Here are a few pics that I've found that I really like:

We are lucky enough to even have the space for a nice sitting area like this one. 


I'm not really digging the blue, but I love everything else about this room.  I'm going to get a similar light.  Love this one.  

I love the bench at the end of the bed and the board & batten on this one.  

I wish my pocketbook would let me go on a shopping spree at Pottery Barn so I could have all of this tomorrow.  But, alas... I cannot.  So, this might take some time to achieve.  The best things come to those who wait, right?!?!  The hunt is on. 


Monday, December 19, 2011

Happiness List #2 ~

Hey all my nutty friends!  

Here we are... closing in on Christmas.  I just really can't believe how quickly time is flying!  That's why it's so nice to do these posts.  Take the time to slow down, and look at all the stuff that gets missed in the hub bub.  Here is this weeks list: 

Snuggling on the couch with Brandy & Kita with the 'Crackling Fire' playing on Netflix.  Geeks, we are.  :-) 

Work.  Yep, I love my job and the people I work with.  I'm blessed, and I know it. 

Christmas Lights - need I say more? 

Maxwell - Our 16 lb teddy bear of a cat.  He is an endless source of happiness and joy.  The sweetest cat I have ever met.  How he ended up on the streets is beyond me.  We are so lucky to have him in our lives.   Love you buddy! 

New glasses - Okay, some women love shoes... I love glasses.  It's a problem and I can admit it.  I cannot get enough glasses. It's like jewelry to me.  And funkier is better!  This time I finally got a pair of sunglasses.  I've always worn contacts and never bought prescription sunglasses.  Since I have stopped wearing contacts I NEEDED RX sunglasses!!  RIGHT?!?!  :-)   

Christmas shopping with my sweetheart.  He's SO getting this hat!! LOL!! I love him SO much! 

I hope everyone is having a lovely holiday season.  Try and take some time to slow down and count your blessings!  


Saturday, December 17, 2011

Let's celebrate Friends! ~A winner!~

Well, we have our first giveaway winner!  Picked by the random number generator.

The winner of the Cinnamon Candles is:

Stephanie!!  Yay!  Email me your address so I can send them to you. 

Sorry so many of you had issues leaving comments here, that really bums me out.  Next time we will have to come up with another way to pick a winner. 


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Golden Graham snack mix - a recipe ~

Love you guys!

Had lots of people requesting the recipe for the 'evil' holiday snack in my previous post. And because I want you all to share in just how truly evily (is that a REAL word??) delicious it is, I will be happy to share... but only the recipe.  Hands off my snack mix!  :-) 

Messin around with the new iPhone and Instagram. 

Golden Graham snack mix: 
1 Cup granulated sugar
1 Cup honey
1 1/2 sticks butter

6 Cups Golden Grahams cereal
6 Cups Corn Chex cereal
Coconut & Sliced almonds (Use as much or little as you like)
Mix cereal, coconut & almonds in a large bowl

Mix the sugar, honey & butter in a pot and boil for 2 minutes. 
Pour the hot sugar mixture over the cereal and mix until well coated.  Pour out onto wax paper lined sheets and let cool.  

This treat is so easy and deliciously evil.  You will either love me or hate me if you try it.  :-)  I hope it's love.  <3 

This is one batch, you might want to make 2... or 3. Cause you will have to share with the kids. 



Linking to: 

The Not So Functional Housewife

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Happiness list #1 ~

I'm going to start something new here on Nutmeg Place. 

I'm going to do a weekly 'Happiness list'.  Sometimes the stress and craziness of life can really get me down.  So, I'm going to take more pictures of the things that are considered 'mundane' that we do each week to remind myself how truly blessed we really are.  I recommend this to everyone.  :-) 

So,  for this first 'issue' of Nutmeg Place's happiness list: 

Things that made me happy this week: 

Making holiday snacks - this one is so good, it's evil!  

Nikita - our cancer kitty playing like mad with her new Christmas toys.  For those of you that don't know... we have struggled for years to get her healthy, and she is very healthy and happy right now.  This girl being with us for another Christmas is a huge blessing and makes us beyond happy. Love you little Bug. 

Mirasole - Hours spent snuggling with our sick girl (who is getting better) when I should have been doing other things.  Mira has asthma and gets upper respiratory infections.  She used to live in our backyard and now is a pampered member of our family. We love you little Sole.  

Sunday waffles - Sunday is my favorite day of the week.  I usually wake up and make breakfast, enjoy an iced coffee while laying around reading the Sunday paper.  

iPhones - We finally caved in and got them.  We had downgraded our service to save money, but I couldn't take one more minute with the crappy phones we were using.  And, I have poor impulse control.  I can admit it.  But, this is how happy it made me: 

Haha... what a geek.   

I'm going to make a list with pics like this every week, to remind myself that life is great.  

What made you happy this week??


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Let's celebrate friends! ~A giveaway~

Hey friends!  

The past couple weeks have been good here at Nutmeg Place.  We've made loads of new friends and gained new Facebook fans.  I know it seems crazy, but I'm just over the moon with it all.  I've been uber sick the past 2 weeks, and all the lovely, sweet comments you leave have really cheered me up.  I {LOVE} you all!!  

So, I felt like celebrating all of {YOU} by having a giveway!  My sweet fans on Facebook suggested they would love something handmade... well, since you all loved this little project last month I decided to make another set to giveaway!

A set of (4) of my cinnamon candle holders!  They even include the flameless candles. 

Here are the rules: 

  • Be a follower of Nutmeg Place.  Easy peasy!!
  • Also be a Facebook fan of Nutmeg Place.  Super easy peasy!
  • Leave me a comment here. 
 I will pick a random winner from the comments on Dec 17th at 6PM Mountain time. 

I really hope this giveaway makes you all as excited I am to have you here!  

Good luck everyone!!  

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