Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Easter Deviled Eggs ~

Howdy babies! 
I know we are all desperate for Spring.  This Winter has been brutal!

This fun and quick project I had pinned ages ago and never got around to it last year.

So, this week when I had a few hard boiled eggs that needed to be used up, I decided to give it a try.

So easy.

For each color, I mixed a cup of water, 2 tbsp vinegar and food coloring. 

Just dropped the egg whites into each color and let them sit until I liked the depth of color.

Everyone has their own recipe for the yolk portion, mine is all by eye and taste.  I just mix up the yolks until smooth, add mayo, vinegar and salt & pepper.  Then, a small sprinkling of season salt on top to finish them off.

They were tasty as well as adorable.

Hurry Spring.


This would be great fun with your kids. If I can do it, they can do it. 


Monday, February 25, 2013

Happiness List #24 ~

Howdy babies.  Welcome to another week.  {blah}

With all the craziness going on in our lives the past few weeks, I needed to remind myself of all the happy things still going on around me.

Care to join me?

My awesome friend Triana who finds milk glass for me. 



45 degree weather in February.  In Utah, when this happens we're all like "Get out the flip flops and shorts!!"

Getting my favorite coffee for free.

Happy Spring colors {stay tuned}.

Living in Utah. 

Y'all know I love having girly nails.  I was doing my own acrylic at home.  But will all the breathing issues we are having, the fumes were just too much.  I found this kit in the drugstore.  
I absolutely LOVE this.  It's a shellac kit.  So easy to do and honestly, it works. Zero chipping or peeling {and that is a HUGE issue for me and regular nail polish}, I give this a meeeellion thumbs up!

Working on the guest room/Meg's office. And I'm already going to switch things all around.
{Stay tuned}

Sun worshiping babies. 

Brandy.  See her bald spots where the biopsy was done?
We love her so much. 
Reminding myself that even though she has cancer, she's still the same completely awesome feral squish she was before we found out. 
Only now, we know.  And that's hard. 
She's being so good about getting her medicine too. 
Over the weekend we only needed to give her breathing meds once a day.
So, she's doing well right now.  :-) 

I hope you all find something in every day that makes YOU happy!


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Biscuit Donuts ~

Hello babies.

Sorry I've been so quiet.

A couple items of news first:

Our sweet little Brandy Pants doesn't have a lung infection.  In fact, she has a Pulmonary Carcinoma.
In other words, she has lung cancer.  We are absolutely devastated.  The only treatment option is to remove the cancerous portion of her lung.  It's a majorly invasive surgery, that if we're lucky, will buy us about a year.  We've decided not to put her through that.  Right now, the medicines are helping to keep her happy and comfortable.  We will let this play out and take the absolute best care of her, until we cannot. 

We do not know how much time we have left with her, could be weeks, months, years.  But, we will make sure her every need is met and that when the time comes to set her free, there is no doubt in her mind that she is very, very loved.

And, other news:

While I was taking my mini-hiatus, the ladies decided to end The All Star Block Party.  I'm ok with that.  There are thousands of linky parties out there right now.  I hope to see all of you there!

Also, Merry has moved in with our Brother for awhile.  We desperately needed a break.  I'm working on turning her room into a guest room/office for Meg.  Fixing it up all nice for her when she comes to visit.  It will be nice to have a space of my very own to blog and chill out.  I will be sharing those fun projects soon. 


Today, we are expecting Snowzilla.  At least, that's what they are telling us.  We had about an hour period of some good snow, but it's stopped for now.   We are all hunkered down waiting for the rest of 'The Storm'.  Today, I tried something fun that I've seen on Pinterest.  I made some donuts from canned refrigerated biscuits.

Just popped the cans {does that scare the CRAP out of you guys too??  LOL I'm such a baby when it comes to popping those cans open} laid them out, used a shot glass to make the holes in the center, melted a bit of Crisco and fried them up.  They cook up pretty fast.  DO NOT step away while these are frying.  And of course, I had to fry up the little holes as well.   I let them cool slightly on paper towels and made glaze {powdered sugar and a little milk} then dipped them all in the glaze and set them on a cooling rack with a cookie sheet underneath to catch the glaze.  I also sprinkled a little sugar on the wet glaze for some sparkle.

These were pretty tasty.  So tasty, they are all gone. 

Serve it with my favorite ice coffee made with my Homemade Creamer.
Yep, even on snow days I need my ice coffee. 

Next time I make these, I will buy the bigger size.  These were small, which is good for portion control, but we still ate them all.  Ooops.  Extra treadmill time for me. 

Think good thoughts for our Brandy, that we will have lots of good bonus time with her. 

Until next time...


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Homemade Coffee Creamer ~

Happy weekend babies!

A couple weeks ago, I posted on Facebook that I was about to make some homemade coffee creamer and y'all went a little kookoo wanting the recipe. 

So, I figured I'd share that with y'all today.

It's so simple and the options are limitless. 

The base:

  • 1 can of sweetened condensed milk
  • 2 cups milk of your choice

Then, just add whatever flavorings you like!

Pictured above is hazelnut.  But, the options are really only limited by your imagination.

You could try:

Mint mocha (chocolate syrup and mint extract)
Chocolate Raspberry (Chocolate syrup & raspberry extract)
Vanilla (some nice vanilla extract)
Chocolate orange (chocolate syrup and orange extract)
Caramel (caramel syrup)
Caramel hazelnut (caramel syrup and hazelnut extract)
Cinnamon cake (vanilla and cinnamon)
Add some Bailey's.
Add some Kahlua. 

Limitless possibilities. And so much better for you than the store bought stuff. 

Mmmmm... coffee. 



Friday, February 15, 2013

Worried Momma ~

Hi babies, hope you're all excited for the weekend.

With everything else going on, I took our sweet  little Brandy Pants into the hospital this morning for observation. 

She was diagnosed with a chest infection just over a month ago and has been on 3 different antibiotics since then, with no improvement.  Actually, I think it's worse.  This morning, she was laying on the chair, panting.  When a cat pants like a dog, that's a bad thing.  So, off to the vet she went.  

Please say some prayers that we can get this infection under control and get her home and feeling better.

And just for a pick me up, I'm throwing in a picture of the hottest zombie slayer ever:

Norman Reedus (AKA Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead)

You're welcome. 

Send some prayers Brandy's way, please.

Her Momma is worried. 

Have a great weekend. 


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My obsession with glasses ~ A Firmoo review

Well, heya babies. 

Those of you that follow me on Instagram and Facebook, know that I have a slight obsession with glasses.

To me, they are just another accessory.  Like jewelry or makeup. 

Since I can't see without them, I might as well have fun with them, right?!?

The lovely people at Firmoo offered me a free pair in return for my review. 
How could I turn that down?

The ordering process was easy.  I am an ABOC Optician, so I am familiar with all the technical terms, but still, the ordering process would be easy for anyone. 

The shipping was super quick, and I love my new glasses. 

They are awesome for the office...

Or just sitting around watching a The Walking Dead marathon. 

And even better, Firmoo is offering free glasses to ALL new customers. 

What's better than free?

Cute, cute!

Have I mentioned I love glasses?  

Go getcha some!!!


Wednesday, February 6, 2013


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