Monday, December 24, 2012

Visions of Sugar Plums dance in our heads ~

Happy Christmas Eve babies!

It's snowing, the finches are happily eating in the backyard, we're all tucked in snug as a bug...

We've got a crock pot of chicken & dumplings cooking and warm caramel apple cider to sip on.

We are ready for Santa. 

My neighbor, Mandy, brought us a plate of goodies last weekend.
On the plate were these delectable little truffles. 
 I texted her that we had already gobbled them all.   
She texted me back with the recipe.  
Couldn't help but not make some.   

Oreo Truffles:

  • 8 oz package of room temp cream cheese
  • 1 pack of Oreo cookies, crushed
  • Almond bark for dipping
  • Crushed candy cane & Oreo for garnish

Mix the room temp cream cheese with the finely crushed cookies in a mixer.  Once blended, scoop out onto wax paper lined sheets.  Place in fridge for 15-30 mins to let harden.  While hardening, melt almond bark in a double boiler or in the microwave.  Once solid, quickly dip the truffles in the chocolate and place on more wax paper.  Garnish with goodies while chocolate is still warm.  Allow to cool, and gobble them up!

I made one batch peppermint and one cookies & creme.       

I finally got the chance to use my baguette board. 

Easiest truffle, ever.  And beyond tasty. 

All of us here at Nutmeg Place, wish you the Merriest of Christmases. 

Tonight, we will open our new Christmas jammies, pop popcorn and watch a movie. 

We will snuggle into  our warm, cozy beds and hope Santa comes to fill our stockings.

We hope you will all be with the ones you love, safe & warm, making memories to last a lifetime. 

We send special prayers to all those struggling at this time of year.  

And lastly, we pray for all homeless animals to be safe & warm in their own homes.

Love you all. 



  1. December 24, 2012 4:54 PM

    Your treats and home are looking amazing and sooo cozy! Merry Christmas to you, Drew, and your kitties!


  2. December 25, 2012 6:59 AM

    Merry, merry my friend. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time.

    We're sitting in our jammies, drinking coffee and Bailey's, counting down the minutes till it's naptime. Stress free, quiet day after all the family and entertaining of the last few weeks. My daughter arrives tonight.


BOOYAH!! Leave me a message, yo??