Friday, February 15, 2013

Worried Momma ~

Hi babies, hope you're all excited for the weekend.

With everything else going on, I took our sweet  little Brandy Pants into the hospital this morning for observation. 

She was diagnosed with a chest infection just over a month ago and has been on 3 different antibiotics since then, with no improvement.  Actually, I think it's worse.  This morning, she was laying on the chair, panting.  When a cat pants like a dog, that's a bad thing.  So, off to the vet she went.  

Please say some prayers that we can get this infection under control and get her home and feeling better.

And just for a pick me up, I'm throwing in a picture of the hottest zombie slayer ever:

Norman Reedus (AKA Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead)

You're welcome. 

Send some prayers Brandy's way, please.

Her Momma is worried. 

Have a great weekend. 



  1. February 15, 2013 at 11:38 AM

    Poor little boo-boo Brandy Pants is going to be just fine hang in there and thanks for the eye candy too!

  2. February 15, 2013 at 3:30 PM

    I love you & my prayers are with you & Brandy right now,Megan.Rest well tonight or at least try to!Sending good vibes your way!

  3. February 15, 2013 at 4:22 PM

    Keeping sweet little Brandy in my prayers <3 .Nothing worse than seeing your little fur babies sick!Give Brandy a big hug and kiss from us!And that includes Brandy's paw friend Tabitha!

  4. February 15, 2013 at 9:57 PM

    I'm so sorry to hear about your Brandy. Poor baby must be suffering, sounds like she was having trouble breathing. Maybe call another vet and talk about what's going on. Sometimes it takes another view point or technique. I'll be praying for her.
    I'd be sick with worry if it was our kitty. He's 10 or so and we've been realizing he's getting old. He sleeps a lot which I read wasn't a good sign. It's so hard when our babies are sick. They can't tell us what's going on which makes it so hard. Keep us informed ok? Hope your weekend is better and she turns a corner to heal.

  5. February 16, 2013 at 6:15 AM

    So sorry little Brandy Pants is sick, I know it's a worry when our sweet pets are sick

    I just recently adopted a neighborhood stray cat and love my Shirley.
    I had her several months to make sure we are connected, and we are, so took her to vet for shots and check up etc.
    Well Shirley is a male neutered cat , LOL not a female . I still call him Shirley

    Just seen you mentioned on another blog so had to come over

  6. February 16, 2013 at 10:56 PM

    I hope that your sweetie is feeling better soon. I hate that our pets can't tell us how they feel. You will both be in my prayers.


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