Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Remembering Inndia ~

Hi there babies. 

Today, I don't have any amazing projects or recipes to share. 
Today, I'm celebrating the life of my best friend, 
Inndia DeGraw Powell. 

Oof, I hate this pic of me. 

Today, would have been her 28th birthday. 
She, along with her 2 youngest sons, passed away on November 12, 2011 in a horrible rollover car accident. 

I met Inndia when Drew and I moved in next door to The Powell Family in May, 2008.
She was the first one to come over and welcome us to the neighborhood.
I'm sure she brought us a plate of delicious goodies, as she always did. 
I kept telling her to stop it because she was getting skinnier and I was getting fatter. 
I miss her goodies.  :-) 

I have SO many memories of her during the 3 1/2 years we were neighbors/BFF's. 

She was much younger than I was.  
She was the most amazing Mother and loved her kids more than anything. 

Anthony & Inndia

Inndia with baby Alex

Even though I am much older and didn't have children, we still had so much in common and spent so much time together, sometimes, just sitting and talking. 
Talking about everything. 
We read the same books, we went to see the 'Twilight' movies together like giggling teenagers (I still can't bring myself to see the last 2 without her), we went on drives, got lost, went to concerts, our families had BBQ's, celebrated holidays and birthdays. 
We laughed together, cried together, drove each other crazy, shared recipes and stories. 

Celebrating Alex's birthday. 

4th of July. 

She was so funny: 

She was so beautiful:

She loved running.  Sometimes, she'd run like 10 miles while pushing all of her kids in a stroller because she loved it so much. 

She loved sunflowers, lillies and poppies. 
She loved people.  She was one of the most generous people I knew. 
She'd give you her last meal if she knew you were in need. 

She didn't think I was insane for trying to treat our kitty, Nikita, for cancer. 
Many evenings she'd come over just to see how 'we' were doing. 
Well, if she did think I was crazy, she never made me feel like I was. 
She'd hug me when I cried because we were having a rough time. 

She was tall, she always had a perfect pedicure.  She lived in flip-flops. 
I'm haunted by the sound of flip-flops actually. 
I still hear her front door open, and I SWEAR I hear her flip-flops and I expect to hear her knocking on my front door. 
But, the knock doesn't come anymore, and I feel that awful sadness in the pit of my stomach. 

We could sit around in our pajamas, just talking for hours. 

NOBODY can make chocolate chip cookies like Inndia could. 
I even have her recipe, but I cannot duplicate the awesomeness she could produce. 

She wasn't just my neighbor, she was my best friend. 

Happy Birthday Inndia. 
I am forever blessed to have had you as my friend and neighbor. 
You are so very, very missed. 



  1. April 3, 2013 at 8:14 AM

    I am so sorry. She was a beautiful person I cannot imagine the pain and sorrow. Such a beautiful post. My heart goes out to you and her family today.

  2. April 3, 2013 at 8:54 AM

    what a beautiful tribute...i hope her husband and son are doing were blessed by her friendship...she sounds like a beautiful person inside and out...i will lift a prayer for you and her husband and son's hard to lose someone you love...thanks for sharing...

  3. April 3, 2013 at 10:07 AM

    I my gosh Meg I am so sorry you lost such a close friend.What a blessing to have known such and amazing person! Thank you for sharing her story with us!

  4. April 3, 2013 at 10:45 AM

    Oh I am so sorry for your loss and her families ! A beautiful looking family . My prayers and heart go out to you and her family today . Thanks for sharing her story !

  5. April 3, 2013 at 2:47 PM

    What a moving tribute Meg - and what a smile Inndia had - wow - I would imagine it would light up a room
    I hope her husband and baby are doing ok?
    What a loss..............

  6. April 4, 2013 at 4:25 AM

    How awful - these three young lives gone. Her poor husband and other son - so much to bear. Are they still your neighbours? I'm sure your love and support helped them through the darkest of days.

    I'm so glad that you can remember her with such love. I'm sure she know how much you miss her.


  7. April 4, 2013 at 8:53 AM

    This is just awful, so young and vibrant and the children. How do you recover from that??? What a wonderful tribute to them, just beautiful. Is her husband ok from this tragedy?? Hope so. Thanks for sharing such a personal story.


  8. April 4, 2013 at 9:10 PM

    Oh Meg, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. What a sad story, she was so beautiful, her sons adorable...heartbreaking. I hope you are ok and her family is doing ok.
    Debbie ((hugs))

  9. April 17, 2013 at 11:16 AM

    Aaawwhhh - Meg - I'm so sad for your loss. What a sweet post. I am so glad I stopped by to read this today. Your friend Inndia makes me want to be a better friend and neighbor. How sad that she has passed with her two babies. I am thinking of her husband and family and I'm thinking of you. Thank you for sharing your sweet friend with us. Her smile is amazing and so darn sweet. I can tell she has a sweet spirit. Love to you! xo

  10. deepfriedapplepiesAugust 2, 2013 at 5:13 PM

    Wow.. I was sucked into your blog when I read your beadboard wallpaper kitchen backsplash post. I needed to read more...
    I saw this and instantly remembered when this happened.. I live in Evanston, WY and I believe she was on her way here when the accident happened. So sorry for your loss, she seemed to be a beautiful person...
    I have taken a 3 year hiatus from blogging.. too much keeping up with the Jones' or Nesters... or whoever. I do read quite a few blogs still.. think I'll add you to my list. Thanks for sharing...

  11. deepfriedapplepiesAugust 2, 2013 at 5:18 PM

    Oh wow...
    I remember this accident. I actually live in Evanston, WY. She seemed like such a lovely person from the reporting that was done. Such a tragedy.
    I have taken a 4 (I thought it was 2.. maybe 3) year hiatus from blogging. Way too much keeping up with the Jones' or Nesters.. or whoevers...
    I stumbled on your blog while looking for beadboard wallpaper ideas. I have a roll sitting in my kitchen.. just nervous about cracking open the package!
    I'm going to wander around for awhile.. I like your style!~


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