Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Going on hiatus ~

Well, hiya babies. 

I'm sure you probably all guessed that I'm going to take a hiatus from blogging.
I'm going on a blog vacation:


I've totally got blog burnout: 

Actually, this happened awhile ago. I'm just here to confirm the rumors. 

I'm taking a:

I just had my 2 year blogiversary (sorry, it was a very quiet affair) and while I've been not blogging, I've been re-evaluating what is important in my life: 

I had become houseproud and I was extremely envious of all these other women who had absolutely gorgeous homes with all the lovely features I desired in my home. Everything they did was perfect. They looked perfect, had perfect families, made perfect meals and everything in their lives was perfect. 

I don't like the blogosphere.  It's like a High School popularity contest and all the drama that involves.  I'm not in High School anymore and I don't need the drama, I have quite enough already, thanks. 

I started thinking that life was my blog and wanted that perfect life.  

Oh, I made a cake!!  I'm blogging about this!!  I spray painted a whosie-whatsit!!  I'm blogging about this!  

I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize myself.
Good Lord Meg, what the Hell happened to you??

I didn't like me. 

I was spending ALL my extra time on something to do with this blog. 
My hubby became someone I just shared space with, and occasionally coaxed into helping me fix a blog project gone wrong. 
I was stressed, had anxiety attacks, was depressed and put on a TON of weight. 
None of these things happened overnight, but I decided it was going to stop. 

I got off my ass, bought a treadmill, started eating better... I really started to feel better!!

The kidney stone thing happened, and that REALLY kicked me into full gear. 

A lovely side effect of living healthier is weight loss. 

I'm changing so much about my life. 
Getting healthy, reconnecting with the love of my life, I'm in the process of getting braces (something I've wanted to do all my life), I've changed my hair and have decided to try like Hell to grow it out... 
You guys, I haven't felt this good in decades.  
I'm taking pride in how I look, because I feel good and have tons more energy. 

This is me, today: 

I have never been happier.  Feeling good feels so great!
I'm calm, have energy and I'm worth it
I am the main character in my life and I'm going to live a life, well lived!! 

I'm not sure when, or if I will come back. 
I don't fit the mold of the blogging world.  
I'm a square peg trying to fit into a round hole. 
I'm a free spirit, and I will never, ever change just to please others. 
I will only do that to please myself.    

I wish you all the greatest of luck.  
There are some of you that I've met because of this little blog that are truly wonderful people, and I love you and really hope we can keep in touch! 
Some of you... not so much.  
But, that's ok. 
Do what you gotta do to win that popularity contest and take no fucking prisoners. 

If you appreciate me for who I am, please, shoot me a message so we can keep in touch. 

It's been fun!  

Maybe we will have some new and different fun in the future!


Toodles babies!! 


  1. Meg, you are a truly inspirational lady and I so understand. blogging can become obsessive and then you lose site of your life. I've enjoy your posts and letting me see a corner of your world. Good luck with your future endeavors!

  2. What you see on the blogs may not all be real in this sence no one's life is perfect or home and what goes on behind closed doors well lets just say these perfect bloggers with perfect homes and lives may be using their perfect dreams to hide with in their blogs . I am sorry to hear blog land has got you down for me I blog for myself and never try to keep up with the Joneses . Perfect to me is boring ! I hope you have a good blog break and you do what you need to do . Take care !

  3. Good job on making a decision to focus on you and your family. I attempted to blog and it felt too much like homework; I also decided it wasn't for me. Best Wishes Meg!!

  4. Good decision to put you and your family first. I'm sure you're going to enjoy your extra time thoroughly! I tried to blog, and it just felt too much for homework; definitely not for everyone - bleek. Best wishes Meg!!

  5. Meg, I totally get it and I'm glad that you've made the decision that is better for you and your family. I definitely feel like blogland is much like high school (in which I was the nerdy farm girl with braces) and I've made that comment to my husband several times. I've almost given up on the thing on many occasions. Blogging is so easy to become all-consuming and I've had to take steps back and say not let the pressure to do everything get to me and treat it as a hobby as much as possible. It's not real life and I always tell people I meet through blogging that my house is usually messy, my kids throw monumental temper tantrums, I'm a terrible cook, and my life is far from perfect :)
    I hope you'll pop in here and there with some projects or updates...I'm sure we'd love to see them!

  6. Meg thanks for sharing your deepest feelings with everyone. I truly understand your decision and support you 100+%. You have been an inspiration on your road to health and wellness. I agree that people can and do get sucked into this world of blogging etched. My cousin just gave it up as people are rude and disrespectful at others ideas/thoughts.

    I would like to continue to follow u on FB and share ideas with u.

    The most important thing in life is to be with your family because at the end of the day they are truly what matters.

    Love to you and yours. Sharon-from Southern California

  7. meg - i'll be staying right with u thru facebook!! it does seem like that at times. i ebb and flow with mine, i dont think i've posted in over 3 or 4 months. i'm gonna miss ur posts as i really felt they were all so actual DIY its. you have to take care of your family and yourself first and foremost. most of the blogs i read are square holes, so i moved on past the high school drama. it's so exhausting.

  8. Love this!! You are true to you just as you should be. look stinking awesome! And, you know I love auburn hair :). I'm watching you on Facebook :)...stalking is probably more like it.

  9. You go, girl! I totally get what you're saying. I had to take a break for a while at the beginning of this year, and I'm still not super consistent. Live your life, do what you gotta do, and hopefully I'll still see ya around Facebook once in a while! :D

  10. I truly appreciate this post ~ I feel the same way....but it's okay ~ what matters is that we are authentic...whatever that may be {I've never been in the popular crowd ~ I stopped even wanting that ages ago!} ~ you are AWESOME and I am so happy for you that you have found a peace and joy in your current situation. You look gorgeous in your current pictures ~ yowza! I'll see on facebook :)

  11. You are Amazing & I am KEEPING YOU.
    <3 Ann/alba

  12. I think you are wonderful ~ being authentic is what matters and it sounds like you have hit that stride in you life ~ so very happy for you ~ and you look absolutely gorgeous. I'll see around on facebook ~ I'm the one just standing on the sidelines watching...but I'm there!

  13. Hey girl - you've been through so much (both good and bad), and so I totally get this decision. We found each other through blogging but won't lose touch (at least I dont' think unless I'm one of those people you'll be happy to be rid of).

    Blogging can be a drag of unrealistic goals and silly number counting.....for me it's an outlet of creativity that inspires me - you've been one of those inspirations (after all without you I wouldn't have panelling in my kitchen). I'm only posting now about twice a week -sometimes less and I don't miss it. Dont' miss the pressure of coming up with something every day. My life isn't like that. I don't know how those girls do it - but then I never could understand the popular high school girls either.

    You look awesome by the way. Will be following along with your progress on Facebook - thanks for being my blogging buddy.


  14. How sweet it is that blogging taught you what you really wanted out of your life.

    Good for you dropping something that made you feel inadequate in some way. You're awesome and don't you ever forget it! Live your life, love your hubby and your babies and get out and enjoy.

    So glad we had the chance to meet.

    Love ya!


  15. I've been following through e-mail.

    You are so awesome! Braces! Weight loss! Wow. Good for you.

  16. Right on! Enjoy your break. You deserve it! We'll see you again in the future!

  17. Congrats, but I will miss you. Good luck with growing out your hair - if you need someone to talk you out of cutting it all off, let me know! I finally have hair past my ears for the first time in 14 years :). Enjoy your new-found freedom, and true congratulations on the weight loss. You're my inspiration, and I've loved your posts.

  18. You go girl! Life is what you make it, and unless you feel good about how you are making it, it ain't worth it. Will miss you and your blog... and the kitties... take care, keep well (sounds like you're on the right path... wish I were :o(....), and keep in touch as your frame of mind leads you! God bless!

  19. A refreshing post! I am an old lady who is thinking about blogging. I have absolutely NO interest in the commercial thing. I have eclectic interests and want to blog to record family memories. I read your post and realized that I can do just what I want and not measure up to anyone else's standards. Will I craft? If I feel like it? Will I blog consistently? No. Will I do whatever grabs me? You betcha!

    Carry on!

  20. Meg - I just came across this today - didn't realize you were on hiatus - but this is as real as it gets - a group of us were just discussing this recently -
    Do what you have to do to win the popularity contest and take no " effing " prisoners is a PERFECT analogy of what goes on in some circles - some - not all Thank God.................
    Hope you're doing well and having a great summer.
    Much love,

  21. Just popping in to see how ya all are doing ! Hope everything is well and you are enjoying your blog vacation . Nasty hot and humid here for a few weeks now not much rain but we are coping ! Take care , your friends at Our Country Cove Crew ! Oh Miggs and Harley say hello !


BOOYAH!! Leave me a message, yo??