Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Introducing the Card Kids ~

Happy Hump Day nutty people! 

I talk about them all the time, they are a HUGE part of our family, so I thought I would introduce you to our furry kids today. 

The Princess (because I'm the Queen) of the house :

Nikita (Kita Bug)
Kita was found looking for food and shelter in the warehouse of a previous employer. She was approx 3 months old. I couldn't leave her to freeze/starve so I took her home on Halloween 1999.  Drew was a bit furious.  We had an elderly dog at the time and he didn't want a cat.  So, I told him we would find her a good home.  

13 years later, she is Daddy's princess.  On July 21st, 2009 Kita was diagnosed with Small Cell Intestinal Lymphoma.  I wont go into detail about how hard the past 2 years have been trying to get her well.  Yes, Kita has cancer, but this type of cancer is controllable with chemo and meds.  She has been in remission for approx 10 months and is happy & sassy.  We are blessed, she is truly a miracle. 


Brandy (Pants)   

In the Fall of 2003, we lived just outside of Boston.  We noticed a Mommy cat and 3 kittens living in the woods outside our apartment. It was getting cold and we knew the kittens wouldn't live through the harsh winter.  We contacted someone to help us trap them and hopefully get them adopted.  Our good friend, Michelle Fish came out to trap the family.  That night, we trapped all 3 kittens and Brandy.  I had not seen Brandy before.  She was less than a year old and VERY feral.  All of them were spayed/neutered and vaccinated.  To keep them out of the overcrowded and terrifying shelter, we fostered all 4 of them.  Brandy was absolutely terrified and basically shut down.  All 3 of the kittens were adopted into loving homes, but we knew in our hearts that nobody would ever adopt Brandy because she was so scared.  We decided to adopt her and she has been with us ever since. 

She is a petite beauty.  It's taken us 8 or so years to earn her trust, but every night when she runs to be the first in my lap, it takes my breath away.  She's still very jumpy and scared, but mostly a very pampered and loved house kitty now. 

Pants snuggling with Max

Nala (Bean)
Nala was also trapped in the woods in Boston.  We saw her one night staring at us on our cold, snowy patio.  We couldn't stand her freezing out there.  We trapped her with the idea to get her spayed and release her.  The night we trapped her, she started crying, like for babies.  I freaked out, if she had babies out there... they would die if we kept her inside.  I made the stupid
 brilliant decision to feel her for milk.  Yeah, she got lose and ran through the house breaking things, smashing into mirrors... it was bad.  Drew finally 'scruffed' her and she pulled an 'Exorcist" on him and turned her head completely around biting him on the hand.  Yes, it got infected and turned nasty.  We got her spayed as quickly as we could, let her recoup and released her.  She decided she didn't want to go.  And I don't blame her.  She has also been with us ever since.  She's a sweetie, but still pretty scarel.  

She has these huge eyes that are the color of dragonfly wings.  Just a stunning girl.  She likes to be held over your shoulder like a baby. 

Nala & Mom snuggling. 

Maxwell (not so smart)   

Max was a stray outside my current office.  I fed him there for at least a year.  One very cold day I enticed him inside and couldn't get him to leave.  My boss at the time was kind enough to let him stay inside until we could locate a rescue group to take him.  He was taken by a rescue group that works with our Vet's office.  We were at that time in the market for our current house.  I promised that if he hadn't been adopted when we moved in, he would come home to live with us.  We kept checking on him and were told he was just the meanest cat.  He actually had a 'red star' on his chart to warn people.  My heart was breaking because he was such a sweet boy.  We finally closed and moved into our house on June 1st, 2008.  Max moved in on June 2nd and IS THE SWEETEST CAT ON THE PLANET!!  How he ended up on the streets is beyond me.  He loves everyone and is so funny and tolerant.  We LOVE, love, LOVE you Maxie!!  


Mirasole (Mira)  

Mira actually lived in the backyard of the house when we moved in.  We fed and sheltered her out there for 2 years.  October 2010, when it started to get cold, we invited her inside to live with us.  She jumped at the chance.  However, this was during the dark days of Kita's cancer.  Mira is very territorial and actually attacked Kita.  Well, we don't back out on our promises but, we certainly wouldn't tolerate Kita being attacked.  So, Mira moved upstairs into the master bedroom.  Now, before anyone feels sorry for her, just know that our master bedroom and bath are the size of some apartments.  Mira has a very nice 'suite' of her own.  She has asthma and IBD.  She has to eat RX food and get inhaled meds daily.  She gets frequent URI's and I don't know how she survived outside with all her issues.  

She doesn't like other cats, but boy does she adore her Mom & Dad!  The adoration is mutual. Mira LOVES to lay ON us.

Mira & Mom catching a nap.

Yes, our house is full right now.  I would love to save them all.  We do the best we can.  5 is more than plenty for us right now.  We love them all so much and can't imagine life without them.  I will share more of their antics in the coming days & years. 


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