Friday, June 8, 2012

More picture wall tweaks and I love Hob Lob ~

Hey there my lovies!

Happy weekend! 

I was hoping to get my loft window seat at least framed this weekend.  But, the summer cold that wont die, just wont die!!  WTH??  Maybe, if by some miracle I feel lots better tomorrow, we can at least get the space measured and the thing planned.  Maybe I will get the frame up.  We'll see! 

I love how the picture wall is coming along.  I decided I wanted less empty frames and more 'stuff' up there.  So, I headed over to Hob Lob with my 40% off coupon in hand. 

I think I love Hob Lob almost as much as I love Ikea.  You definitely need more than a lunch hour if you walk through those doors! 

I knew I wanted a letter 'C' on the wall, so I headed over to the accessories area.  They have such fun, vintage looking stuff. 

And, all the metal items were half price! 

I found the letter 'C' I was looking for.  I think after the discount it was like $4.99.  I also picked up the pretty wrought iron piece hanging in the center.  It's actually pretty long.  After the discount I think it was only $4 as well!  SCORE!!

Then, I found this one in the clearance section:

'Antiques' metal plaque.  It was on clearance for $3!  I think it's hysterical that the arrow is pointing to the photo of Drew & I.  *snort* 

Then, I got a pretty letter 'M':

M is for Merry.  

I'm loving this.  Don't think I will change it.  For a few days.  

Didn't even need to use that 40% off coupon!  I love, love... LOVE Hobby Lobby!  

Enjoy your weekend and pray for a summer cold miracle!  I want to play with power tools!! 



  1. June 9, 2012 at 5:01 AM

    I love all the things you picked up - that wall is looking sweet!! I want to play with power tools, too and it's raining to beat the band here... sigh, maybe tomorrow!

    Hope you're feeling a bit better today!


  2. June 9, 2012 at 6:17 AM

    Love your vignette.I too love hobby lobby.Always great home decor.And I love what you found.Looks perfect!!!!

  3. June 9, 2012 at 7:21 AM

    Papa and I have photos of family we took all along our hallway on the first floor ! All looks great there ! Have a good day !

  4. dreamingahomeJune 9, 2012 at 11:19 AM

    Meg, congratulations on not using power tools while you have a cold. It's amazing how dangerous that could be!

    Your gallery wall rocks! So pretty and visually interesting. Nicely done!
    :) Liz

  5. June 9, 2012 at 7:13 PM

    I'm dying to get to a Hobby Lobby, my closest one is about two hours away :( Everyone talks so highly of it though, I may make the trip!

    Happy to be your newest follower :) Found you on the blog hop!

    Hope you get a chance to check out my blog :)

    xo, Jersey Girl

  6. June 9, 2012 at 10:37 PM

    Beautiful Meg - wish we had a HL here ( way up north )
    Montreal is an extremely expensive city - cannot find
    deals like you guys get!!!
    I'm loving your wall

  7. June 10, 2012 at 6:53 AM

    I love your picture wall. I want to do something like that on the wall going up my stairs. I just can't seem to take the plunge but you've give me some great ideas. Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower. Thanks also for hosting the All Star Block Party. I'm a new follower of yours.


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