Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happiness List #25 ~

Hey there babies!  Happy first day of Spring!

It's overcast and rainy here, and I have a nasty chest cold.

So, to try and force myself to feel better, I'm doing a happiness list. 

Lets begin:

Last week, it was 74 degrees. Perfect.

And on that day, broke out the capris and boat shoes.

Being part of the Daryl Dixon Army.  Yep, I'm a dork.

The new art I'm working on for the office.
Can you guess which one is my favorite??

After a year of practice, finally being able to take the kinds of pictures I've always admired.

These sweet babies. 
Brandy is doing pretty well still. 
Mira {pictured at top} crashed a couple weekends ago. 
Rushed her to our vet Monday morning, turns out, she's borderline kidney failure. 
She 'crashed' because she's been drinking so much and peeing so much, that her potassium levels were dangerously low.  Did you know that if your potassium levels get too low, it causes weakness, vomiting, dehydration... it was pretty scary. 
So, she got lots of TLC and needs meds and a potassium supplement twice a day. 
She has to eat canned food (to keep her hydrated) and she is doing much better. 
So now, we have a kitty with thickening heart arteries (Max), a kitty with a lung tumor (Brandy) and one kitty borderline kidney failure (Mira).  Oh yes, we do have ONE healthy kitty, Nala, but she is afraid of cameras.  Not sure whats up with that. 

Anyway, seems we cannot catch a break on the health front here at NMP. 
But, things will eventually be ok.  
This stuff is devastating, and we do the absolute very best we can for them and ALWAYS make their quality of life our first consideration. 

This happiness list turned kinda poopy, didn't it?

My Nyquil is kicking in so I'm going back to bed and do my best to kick this colds ass. 

See you on the flip side!



  1. March 20, 2013 at 2:30 PM

    Hope you are feeling better soon! The weather is not spring like at all around here......22 today....the fireplace is on!

  2. March 21, 2013 at 5:36 AM

    Feel better soon, Meg. I'm happy today because it's not snowing for the first time this week.


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