Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fall fun with Caeleigh ~

Happy Sunday friends!

Hope you all had a great weekend!!

Caeleigh spent the weekend, and even though she woke up with a cold on Saturday, we had a BLAST!!

We all went to McDonald's for dinner Friday night.  Only because she wanted the Happy Meal toy SO BADLY!  Some new movie that's coming out.

Saturday, she woke up sick, but she didn't want to go home.  She said she felt 'ok' even though she was really snotty and coughing.  We made red pancakes for breakfast, then she helped me rock out the stairs!  We tore paper and glued it down like mad girls!  With her help, I've only got a few more steps to finish!  Then we will be onto the staining, polying and moulding!  Still lots to do, but they are really turning out GREAT!!  I can't wait for them to be finished.  It's going to be an amazing transformation.

After the stairs, we cleaned up (holy glue mess Batman) and went to get the groceries.  Of course, we ended up spending a lot of time in the Halloween section.

We came home, put away all the stuff (Oh, I finally got a small chest freezer that we put in the garage.  Funny how these things can make us so happy!) we made homemade Mac N Cheese with chicken for dinner.  Caeleigh always asks for that when she stays over.  After dinner, she watched a movie we rented then we played our own version of Cosmic Bowling.  We got some glowsticks and necklaces and played bowling on the Wii.  SO MUCH FUN!!

This afternoon, we messed around with some of the Halloween stuff we picked up.  We decided to make COOKIES!!

**By popular demand, I've added links to the recipes I used**

She made us call her "The Great Fairy Leopardina" the whole day.  I made them call me "Rango".

We got some new cookie cutters.  Kitty, ghost & pumpkin.  But, she decided that hearts, stars and flowers are Halloween related as well.

Sugar cookie goodness!

The cookie recipe: Perfect Frosted Sugar Cookies.

Then, we made buttercream!  OH HELP ME!!

The buttercream recipe: Buttercream.

She went to town.  Do you know how hard it was for us to not just eat all the frosting out of the bowls??

And this boy supervised.

See the fly??  He just watched it the whole time.  Aren't cats supposed to be great fly hunters??


These cookies tasted as good as you think they did.  They were soft, just barely browned on the bottom.  And the buttercream... oh my.  I added a little almond & orange flavoring.  They are were so yummy!!

Another super fun weekend with Caeleigh.  I have to say, that keeping up with a 6 year old is exhausting! I love her so much and I'm DEAD tired!  Whew!  But man, that kid makes me:




  1. September 24, 2012 at 5:43 AM

    Looks like you had a great time making cookies!!! Laura

  2. September 24, 2012 at 7:00 AM

    It looks like you ladies had a blast. I so want some cookies now! Could you please share the recipe for the cookie dough and icing? I'm drooling!!!


  3. September 24, 2012 at 9:10 AM

    Aww what a fun time! I want a cookie!!!!

    Your cat is hilarious, mine eats flies as quickly as she finds them.



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