Sunday, September 16, 2012

It has begun ~


Remember all those times I kept saying that I was trying to talk Drew into letting me tear up the carpet on the stairs?  Yeah.  He didn't want me to.  Kept saying it would be dangerous.  But, he knew I was going to do it anyway.

Well, I was vacuuming said carpet on said stairs this afternoon and... well, I had tried my darndest to get the carpet to perk back up.  It just said "No.".  So, I snapped. 

Let me first show you the evidence.

The landing was ok.  Some corners had been scratched up. 

See how it's all nice and matted?  No brushing is ever going to save it. 

And this is where the kiddo's have laid there and scratched it.  They are so lucky we love them so much. 

The internet is an amazing and scary thing.  I got on, searched blogs showing me what my carpeted staircase could look like if I ripped it out.  And I gained a little more confidence.  I can do this.  It will be EASY and it will look SO great when all done!  Plus, it's quite practical!

I grabbed my tools,  pulled up my sassy pants and went to town.

And I started to swear at those bloggers.  This wasn't EASY!!  Are you FREAKING kidding?!?!

The more carpet I pulled off... the more scared I got.  Holy crap y'all.  What have I done?!?!?!

Plywood and more plywood.  Some is pretty damaged.

Huge gaps.  I can cover that with molding, but how do I cover the gaps where the tread is rounded?? 

Hold me.  Look at those gaps!  

 Deep breaths, deep breaths.  Whew.

It's going to be great.  I'm going to take this opportunity to make this area much prettier.  I think I will add all the molding that I've been wanting to do for ages.  I have some ideas on how to cover the plywood on all of it.  But Lordy, this is frightening. 

If you have some suggestions, I'd LOVE to hear and see them.  Send me some links showing how others have dealt with this mess. My hands are blistered, my back & head are KILLING me... and I feel like vomiting.


Every little thing's gonna be alright.  Right?!?!


  1. September 17, 2012 at 5:07 AM

    everything's going to be fine - you are one brave girl to take on this task. And my suggestion for the gaps - get yourself a tub of Dap - the best paintable filler out there.

  2. September 17, 2012 at 5:55 AM

    Ha, my stairs are still bare from my crazy carpet-hating rampage a couple of months ago. Thinking it through isn't my strong point...

    Anyway, you'll figure it out! I know it!!

  3. September 17, 2012 at 6:05 AM

    I've seen a couple of these jobs lately:

    I don't envy you - yuck!! Lotsa work but so rewarding... xox

  4. September 17, 2012 at 6:39 AM

    Dap. Yes, good idea. Or reface the front with a thin veneer, maybe hardwood flooring from The Habitat for Humanity Restore. Or old crate fronts, or barn wood, basically any thin creative and think about the options, cuz there's a million. The rest of the gaps may be fixed with trim moulding, or filling it. I like Durham's Rock Hard Putty which is inexpensive and works great. I'm sure you are looking for inexpensive options, but if you have the budget, you could have a contractor replace the stair boards with a nice wood that you can stain, then he could butt them to the walls. Keep looking, keep your chin up, and remember what I've said before...There's no end to what you can do with a little work, creativity and power tools!! You can do this! :) :)

  5. September 17, 2012 at 6:43 AM

    We did a project on our basment stairs. We took of the carpet off painted them with outdoor paint and I stenciled the risers. They look very nice.


  6. September 17, 2012 at 7:47 AM

    deep breaths! look how far you've come!!!

  7. September 17, 2012 at 12:40 PM

    Ha funny! Good luck! It will look great!

    Stopping by from Thee Networking Blog Hop! Love for you to stop by Naptime Review and return the follow. Hosting Mom's Monday Mingle now. You are welcome to join the link up. So far we have over 200 Mom blogs. Great place to network. Hope to see you there!

    julie @ Naptime Review

  8. vintageroverSeptember 17, 2012 at 12:57 PM

    You have mentioned you are not patient. I SO get that. Instead of doing all the prep work give yourself a quick and solid win that everybody in the house can see. I say primer/paint the stairs FIRST.
    Once the steps are one color (a color that you like) the gaps will seem like a smaller issue. Right now you have gaps, and ugly impossible glaring new construction in front of you every minute. By painting them a uniform look, you can better decide what feels right as the next step. Give yourself a paint win, and THEN tweak the cool factor to suit you. Maybe you finish the front of the stairs with upholstery tack trim? How about a 1/2 tone difference at the back or riser of the stair tread? Family names stenciled? Maybe you use that beautiful wooden nutmeg of yours as a graphic in vinyl or stencil at the bottom, middle and top stair tread, if you paint it maybe use a different gloss in the same color. For instance it might be painted in a flat or high gloss sheen vs the floor paint sheen??

    No matter what you do, get that 'new' construction zone out of your sight first and then you can decide what kind of trim or accent seems to fit.

    You don't need luck, you are skilled and ready for this, you just need a vision so you know what you have to learn to complete this BEAUTIFULLY SUITED TO YOU. Find that vision in your mind after you paint it uniformly, and the rest will work itself out right behind it. :)

  9. September 18, 2012 at 7:08 PM

    We have that same carpet and ours is so matted down on the stairs! I'm a new follower from Thee Networking Blog Hop, and I'd love a follow back at when you get the chance! :)


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