Wednesday, September 12, 2012

More random things about Meg ~

I have had a lot of sweet ladies passing on awards to me recently.

I don't want anyone to think I'm being rude and ignoring those honors.

But, if you look to your right... awhile ago I made this an 'award free' blog.


I do appreciate the honor, I truly do.

There are SO many going around, sometimes it's hard to keep up!

I do enjoy the 'question & answer' type awards.

Where you have to answer random things about yourself.

Those are fun.

I'm nosy, I like knowing random things about people.

Makes us quirky.

I thought that I would just share a few more random things about myself.  For fun.

We've established that I love cats (WHAT THE WHAT?!?!) and I'm a tad obsessed with sharks.

Yes, sharks.


Especially Great White's.  Also known as Carcharodon carcharias. 

"All they do is swim, and eat, and make little sharks."

More fun:

I cut off the tip of my right pointer finger when I was 2 and it was reattached.

I've broken my wrist and had stitches in the following places:

Ear, chin, top of foot and that web of skin between my left thumb and pointer. 

My gall bladder burst and put me in the ICU for a week in 1994.  I have a scar from the middle of my rib cage to the top of my right hip from that.  I wear it proudly.  I lived.

I am the 4th of 6 children.  I have 2 bothers and 3 sisters.

I'm not scared of much, except heights (I cant even stand on a chair to change a light bulb without freaking a little bit) and the ocean.  See above.

I was on "Romper Room" when I was very young.

Too much caffeine makes me sleepy.

I am ambidextrous.

I can still do a cartwheel.

My knowledge of classic rock is formidable.

I scarred my little sister for life by telling her that her Cabbage Patch Kid blinked.  Aw, that was MEAN... wasn't it?!?!  Kids.

I still can't watch 'The Exorcist' by myself in the middle of the afternoon.

I'm a homebody (obviously) and I'd rather be home than anywhere in the world.

My Great Grandfather was a Prophet of the Mormon Church.

 (Left to Right: My Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather)

I am not Mormon.   I belong to no religion.  I believe in God, but in my own way.  I don't need to go to church to believe in God. 

I also don't like sports.  I can get into Hockey, but I want to BE there, not watch it on the TV.

I can hold grudges like nobody's business.  I'm working on that.

I love ice coffee.

I can recite the lines from "The Breakfast Club" word for word.

Come to think of it, "Sixteen Candles" as well.  "Oh SEXY girlfriend!!"

Hmm, I better save some for another day.




  1. September 12, 2012 at 9:11 AM

    Love getting to know you just a little bit more! Cutie Meg!

  2. September 12, 2012 at 9:18 AM

    I had to add that to my sidebar as well.I am thrilled and honored to have been thought of that way.But I have a hard time keeping up with my blog and reading so many others too that taking the time to do all of that and select others I just don't have the time.
    You were on romper room.Oh ya girl I remember that show! I was always waiting to hear my name :-).You like sharks hmmm me not so much.I won't even go in an ocean or a lake for that matter LOL! Sixteen candles loved that movie.My cinema teacher from High school was in that movie.He was the one with that crazy curly hair throwing those kids out of the gym at the dance.Yes I had a cinema class.We watched movies and then answered questions about the movie.I remember watching two of the James Bond movies.That was a fun class!

  3. September 12, 2012 at 10:47 AM

    The child in me is so jealous that you were on Romper Room!! Fun post to read! Thanks for sharing it!

  4. September 12, 2012 at 12:11 PM

    I vaguely remember that show ! I was on a hobby farm at the time to many chores ! I find Sharks interesting . I used to play sports . I agree with being Award free on blogs as there is so many wonderful blogs out there and it is hard to pick and choose . I myself follow a hundred and have a hard time keeping up with them all ! I to am a homebody . I also cant stand the original Exorcist or any Chucky movies any other horror I am fine with ! Have a great day !

  5. September 12, 2012 at 4:38 PM

    You are a STAR!!! I'm so glad Romper Room recognized that in you so early :)

    Love you Meg!


  6. September 14, 2012 at 7:12 AM

    I can't believe I have a bloggy friend that's a star! Amazing!

    I'm the same way with religion. I've tried... several times... to go to church.

    Grudges... Oh yes! Me too. It's a work in progress. :)

    Iced coffee... yummers!

    I love, love, love Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, Grease, Pretty in Pink... pretty much all those 80's movies.

    Thanks for sharing and letting us get to know you better!



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